Hola, para mi clase de Introducción a Diseño grafico digital, nos pidieron que realizáramos un juguete, y pues que sea original, inventado, con poderes etc... Les presento a MushCrum:
Son dos hermanos que tienen una personalidad opuesta, mientras que Mush es feliz y tranquilo, Crum es hiperactivo y agresivo.
Suelen vivir en los bosques templados donde hay círculos de hongos.
Poderes: Si te fijas muy bien Mush/Crum tiene un pequeño hongo en la cabeza, la razón de ello, es que vive generalmente enterrado en la tierra, pero si llegas a encontrar este honguito y desenterrarlo te llevaras una gran sorpresa, MushCrum tiende atacar a estas víctimas bailando sobre su cabeza para siempre y aferrándose a ella por medio de sus tentáculos.
Asi que ten la seguridad de que este amiguito te seguirá por siempre.
Hello, for my class of Introduction to digital graphic Design, they were asked to make a toy, i

Powers: If you pay attention to Mush/Crum he has a small fungus in the head, the reason of it, is that it lives generally buried in the Earth, but you get to find this mushroom and to unearth it, you would take it a great surprise, MushCrum tends to attack these victims dancing on its head for ever by clinging to their heads using he’s tentacles. SO be assure that this little fellow will follow you forever.
So the plushie, I made in a combination hand-machine….
The super video of how did I make it:
Bueno vengo a presumirles lo siguiente, :P
Bueno hace ya tiempito, postee una telita, para no hacerselas larga la converti en una faldita para mi closet gothic Lolita.
Me tarde una semanita, a la que le heche muchas ganas.
Una falda completita, hasta le puse su corset thingy, :P pero sin varillas -___- apenas empiezo,
pero para ser la primera, creo que no esta nada mal,
:O (es la primera real size, tuve pracica haciendole vestido a mi Obitsu <== munequita) Falda vista de enfrente.Parte de atras de la falda,
tiene un corset mini, para ajustarla o aflojarla para esos cambios de peso :PMi headress con cuentitas y el tocado de enfrente con cuentas para combinar con headress
Alexandros Vasmoulakis nacio en Atenas en 1980. Estudio en escuela de artes y trabaja como freelances.
Su princimal propósito es comunicar.
Etiquetas: alexandros, mural, vasmoulakis
Dándole vueltas al asunto de las calabazas (una tarea para entender un poco el concepto de IDGD), me encontré con esto:
Haciendo conciencia de lo que pasa en el mundo, y lo que le estamos haciendo, Alexander Nedelev, viene con una idea original para hacer conciencia de lo que sucede en nuestro mundo y de una manera que todos podemos entender a pesar de las barreras del lenguaje.
Its not a game anymore!
Etiquetas: alexander, game, its not a game anymore, pac man
Starting Lolita
Chapter 1: I saw an Angel.
(Japanese) I saw an angel today, she was floating on a gorgeous dress, candy, bears, stars; she was a miracle to see, floating on a invisible cloud, she knew it, I knew it, everyone knew it, perfect round shoes, perfect skirt, perfect sweater, perfect smile, she was an angel. Couldn’t she be more beautiful, couldn’t she be more stunning. Then she saw me, she had the most melodious voice, and she said: “You can feel like a princess too, you can be beautiful too”… and she flew through the skies never to be seeing again.
Chapter 2: Real Life
Alarm rings
- That dream again, I wish I could see that angel again. –Although it was a time ago.
-ehhh…. *looks the alarm* its late. Oh *looks at the camera* Hai hai! Ohayo Gosaimasu, hajime mashite watashi no namae wa Anne Caroline desu! I’m a small damisselle in a countryside of France, it’s a lovely….. *she is interrupted by a scream”
- Alex, breakfast is served and you are going to be late. *Alex mom yells from the kitchen*
- Ekk, ok, you got me I don’t live in France, not even in Japan, a live far from those countries I live in Mexico (weird map entrance), my name it’s not even Caroline, but that’s the name I choose, I’m more a Caroline that an Alex. So I’m Caroline and I’m a starting Lolita! Yush!
Chapter 3: Lolita is the path!
SO I wanted to be Lolita so bad, but when this obsession started *brings back memories* I remember, I was one of those Otakus, a cosplay girl (random camera, random costume and silly poses) Until one convention……
*Entrance of a sweet gothic Lolita stand, and there was a girl in strawberry dress*
*Caroline goes running to that stand wearing a cosplay, she saw the girl and ask*:
-Sugoi, Kawaii, What is that that you are wearing?, did you make it?, what are those rings?
The sweet gothic Lolita the latter on, you would know her as Victoria, looks at the cosplayer girl, she was a little bit annoyed by all that questioning.
-It’s an Op from Angelic Pretty, design by……. And she continues, but Alex got stuck in one sentence.
-O-p?…An-ge-lic pre-tty…..? – She knew it was a premonition, like that time she found a penny in the street (but that wasn’t a premonition)
-Are you paying attention to what I just say!?, God all that trouble for – said Victoria and she got interrupted.
-Angelic pretty, it’s your name?
Victoria almost fell on her but for laughing so hard,
-It’s a brand you silly goose! – said Victoria
-Is it expensive? – goes Caroline.
-Ho ho ho, look by yourself darling.
Chapter 4: Lolita warrior
The memory fades, and returns to Caroline room, but that was just the beginning.
-So yeah, I loved her little dress so much, so a return to my house, google Agelic pretty, and OH MY GOD! *looks at the prices*
Almost crying.
- It’s too expensive.
So I start making my own dresses! O_O not good results *Images of all Lolita dresses.” Form ita – to Lolita. First I made the ones I knew form my anime series, at first It was a real disaster, couldn’t do anything right, I even use silicon to stuck up the fabric, -__- not good at sewing.
So I had it, the perfect Lolita dress or so I thought…. I was happy, I heard form rumors there was a Lolita gathering so I decided to appear in one.
OMG, it was a Lolita heaven, girls with perfect skirts, perfect make-up, shoes… the fabric were so exquisite. But I wasn’t fitting in, the girls started to look at my dress criticizing every length, every lace, every point, oh and the glorious fabric; I didn’t have the correct shoes, the correct hair……. I wasn’t Lolita….
I run from there, run like never in my life, I was so sad, I told myself : Why? Why would I wanted to be so bad something that snobbish? It took me 3-4 hours to calm down, but I fixed myself.
I took my courage, and stood up, I didn’t want to be like those girls, I wanted to be Lolita because of what those clothes makes me feel! And no one, not even the fabric would be stopping rock for that matter. I was Lolita, I knew it, but they couldn’t see that.
Chapter 5: Dreaming in Laces
I had nightmares for days, thinking of laces and fabrics, it was a stressing situation, and I didn’t had the money to buy the prints of those brand pages, every day I looked browsing through my computer to see that dream dress, that dream print.
I looked at my old Lolita dress, I don’t hate it, but I notice some details of the dress, those girls may had lower my self-esteem and they did treat me bad, but they were not completely wrong, I think they just forgot their beginnings, I can assure, they start something like me, not knowing anything, and they suffer like I suffer, but why continue torturing the ones that don’t know and want to learn?, why make them less? Just because they just don’t know what fabric to use, what brand to wear? That was nonsense…
Chapter 6: On line = heaven.
So one of those days, browsing through internet, with the motivation that I wanted to prove that not all Lolita’s where snobby, that they were like the angel from my dream… there’s has to be..
And then, like a miracle I found it, glancing at me, a community in my city, I was afraid, what would I do if that group happens to be the one I encounter a few years ago? What would they say? What should I say? I was petrified, the warming feeling I felt from discovering the page, was fading while I was registering myself….
I presented myself to them, it was all good, so far, it was a warming community, the future stars bright so shine, oh baby…….
End of first episode:
Glance at was coming next.
Halloween party, are they the girls from my past encounter? Did they recognize me?...
By Caroline Fiore
Que les puedo contar ha sido una semana espantosa, exámenes de programación, me enferme (Aun sigo en las misma), y lo que más me duele he perdido mi lapicero, sonara tonto de entrada, pero no es tan simple, ese lapicero ha estado conmigo estos últimos 10 años, me lo dio una amiga muy especial, el diseño del lapicero ya se había borrado, pero lo que lo hacía especial es todo lo que he pasado con él, exámenes, dibujos, garabatos, cartas, y un sinfín de cosas, me había encariñado tanto con él, y más porque no le he encontrado uno similar era un lapicero estilo Hello Kitty, muy delgado, no era la gran cosa, pero el tiempo lo hizo muy especial para mí, y este día cuando quise hacer un diseño que no lo encuentro por ninguna parte, voltee mi cuarto y mi mochila y nada, T_T la última vez que lo vi fue en clases de matemáticas. Sonara demasiado infantil comparado con otras cosas de la vida, pero era muy especial para mi.
Vuelve lapicero!!!
En realidad no del todo, pero me paso algo muy feo el dia de hoy, para ser un dia bastante tranquilo acabo muy mal:
1.rompi mi camara (Olympus 10mp) (TE ODIO CAMARA)
Pero bueno, la arreglare y la vendere!
2.rompi un vaso (eek, no fue tan malo)
3. no hay, tres, bueno si contamos un examen d eprogrmacion y una lamina que tengo que rehacer entonces si lo hay.
La sbuenas noticias, es me hic eun photoshoot, muy malo, pero denle credito a mi camara de mi Gateway, :P es lo unico que tengo por el momento, payasee un rato y me tome unas fotitos para mi costume que estoy haciendo:
Sin mas que decir o agragar otro video mini de mis locuras!